• Music Articles

    The Benefits of Children Learning Music

    The benefits of children learning music When a child reaches a certain age, parents often ask themselves which extracurricular activities he or she might like to take up. Music is always a good choice, instilling the core skills of application and perseverance. Below are some more good reasons for learning music: Music helps the brain to develop Different studies have proven that the comprehension of musical language can benefit a child’s overall mental development. Figures show that students who study music are more successful on standardised tests and are also likely to achieve better grades in high school. Further research revealed that musical training physically develops the left side of…

  • Music Articles

    18 Benefits of Playing a Musical Instrument

    18 BENEFITS OF PLAYING A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT by Michael Matthews The Chinese philosopher Confucius said long ago that “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.” Playing a musical instrument has many benefits and can bring joy to you and to everyone around you. This article will provide you with 18 benefits of playing an instrument (in no particular order) and will hopefully give you a better sense of appreciation and pride for music. 1. Increases the capacity of your memory. Research has shown that both listening to music and playing a musical instrument stimulate your brain and can increase your memory. A study was done…

  • Music Articles

    Music theory: What is it?

    Music theory is the study of the practices and possibilities of music. The Oxford Companion to Music describes three interrelated uses of the term “music theory”: The first is what is otherwise called “rudiments“, currently taught as the elements of notation, of key signatures, of time signatures, of rhythmic notation, and so on. […] The second is the study of writings about music from ancient times onwards. […] The third is an area of current musicological study that seeks to define processes and general principles in music—a sphere of research that can be distinguished from analysis in that it takes as its starting-point not the individual work or performance but the fundamental materials from…

  • Music Articles

    Home Tuition: Some of the benefits

    There are a number of benefits to home tuition: 1. A tutor has the opportunity to focus on the specific subjects and areas that your child may be struggling with. At school, a teacher can only give limited individual attention to each student, as there is limited classroom time available and the requirement for the teacher to meet the needs of the whole teaching group. 2. There are fewer distractions in a home setting, with little noise or distractions from classmates, which can often impact on your child’s concentration and performance. 3. A tutor will quickly gauge the current achievement, future potential and learning style of your child and will…