Exams Info
Hope Music Academy offers preparation for Trinity and ABRSM graded exams for Guitar, Keyboards and Flute, from Initial to Grade 8 Exams offer the choice and flexibility to allow candidates to play to their strengths, enabling them to gain recognition for their own unique skills as performers.
For more information on exams prices and times, please see below.

Trinity’s Graded Examinations are one-to-one, face-to-face assessments of speaking and listening skills with a Trinity examiner. Preparation for these exams and achievement of qualifications supports people wishing to develop their proficiency.
Exams are available Grade 1 to Grade 8.
Trinity’s graded music exams offer the choice and flexibility to allow candidates to play to their strengths, enabling them to gain recognition for their own unique skills as performers.
Performance is at the heart of Trinity’s graded music assessments as we believe that musicianship is most effectively demonstrated through practical performance.
- Assessments are strongly performance based
- Grade exams assess practical performance across repertoire, technical work and supporting tests
- No theory prerequisites are required for any of Trinity’s performance-based assessments
Trinity practical graded exams are numbered from 1 to 8 in increasing order of difficulty. In many subjects, an Initial exam acts as an introduction to the exam system.Candidates perform three (or sometimes four) pieces, and technical work featuring scales and arpeggios, exercises or orchestral extracts. They also choose two supporting tests from a selection including sight reading, aural, musical knowledge and improvising. Please see the link below for further pricing information:
TRINITY UK Music Grades 2016 – 2017
Speak with our Tutors or contact our management team for further information at info@hopemusicacademy.co.uk

To become an all-round musician students need a range of interlocking skills – in performance, technique, notation, and listening and musical perception – as well as knowledge, understanding and creativity. These are the things we assess in ABRSM exams.
ABRSM exams are music exams rather than instrumental or singing exams. Examiners are assessing the quality of the music-making, not how it is achieved. For this reason we do not restrict examiners to assessing only their own instrument but require them to examine all instruments.
ABRSM have designed a graded music exams to motivate instrumental and singing students of all ages and a wide range of abilities. They are available at eight levels – Grades 1 to 8 – and provide:
- progressive goals to aim for;
- recognition for achievement;
- carefully structured syllabus requirements;
- one-to-one assessment by an expert professional;
- an objective guide to a candidate’s skills and progress.
There are no age restrictions and students can start with any grade or skip grades if they want to.
To succeed in exams candidates need a combination of skills and understanding. Broadly, we assess:
- performance skills through pieces or songs;
- technical skills through scales and arpeggios;
- notation skills through a sight-reading test;
- and listening skills and musical perception through aural test.
Total marks in all individual Practical exams are 150.
- 100 marks are required to achieve a pass
- 120 marks are required to pass with merit
- 130 marks are required to pass with distinction
Please follow the link below for more information on exam prices and dates:
Please visit http://bb.abrsm.org/en/exam-booking/exam-dates-and-fees/ to explore the extensive range of music exams and assessments. Also speak with our Tutors or contact our management team for further information at info@hopemusicacademy.co.uk